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3 Tips For Getting Rid Of Oil Stains On Your Driveway

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There are a lot of things that can cause oil stains on your driveway. You or a guest's car might have an oil leak, or you could have accidentally spilled some grease when working on your vehicle. Regardless, you probably aren't happy about the oil stain that is now in plain view. Luckily, there are a few different things that you can try to get rid of it. Try these tips to make your driveway look great again.

1. Sprinkle on Some Kitty Litter

One of the easiest ways to get rid of an oil stain on a driveway is to sprinkle some kitty litter on the spot. You can also purchase a kitty litter-like substance at an auto parts store that is actually designed for this job. Basically, the absorbent material will pull the oil out of your driveway; then, it can be swept away. This is the best option if the oil has just been spilled, but it can help with older spills, too. Another option for absorbing oil stains is to use a piece of newspaper or a shop rag that you can throw away when you're finished, but you will need to place something heavy on top in order to apply pressure and really pull out the oil.

2. Scrub It Down

Get outside and use a little bit of elbow grease to help get rid of the oil stain on your driveway. Mix up a solution of water and dishwashing liquid, which is made to cut through grease. Then, scrub the solution into the spot with a thick-bristled deck brush. You will probably need to rinse and repeat this step several times. However, you might be surprised by the results that you can get. Afterwards, allow the spot to dry in the sun, which can also help get rid of any last traces of oil.

3. Replace a Small Patch of Your Driveway

Although you will want to try the first two steps to get rid of your oil stain at first, there is one option that will definitely get rid of the imperfection. If you hire a concrete cutting company, you can have just one small patch of your driveway removed and refilled. This will allow you to enjoy a like-new look without having to tear up and replace your entire driveway.

As you can see, there are a few different ways that you can get rid of oil stains on your driveway. Give these three tips a try, and one of them is sure to work to get rid of the mess.
