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Three Reasons To Use A Hydrovac Service For Septic Tank Installation

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If you have the need to excavate a piece of ground to repair a septic tank or install a new one, there are several reasons to consider the use hydro excavation technology to dig the hole or remove the soil for a repair. The following are three of these reasons.

Removing soil with a hydrovac system is not destructive

A hydro excavation system uses a high pressure water hose to break up the soil into a thin texture. This, in turn, is sucked up using high powered vacuum equipment. Both processes are done simultaneously; the result is the same as removing dirt by traditional means, but without the chance of breaking a pipe or utility line. Even when you think you know what is underneath the ground of your property, you may find out the hard way that there was something unexpected. It is better to be safe than sorry. A professional hydrovac service prevents damage to anything that is buried in the excavation site.

There is less chance of property damage around the excavation site

This is especially true if large equipment, such as a backhoe, is used. Earth moving equipment must be brought onto your property at the site of excavation. It is possible for this equipment to damage surrounding property, accidentally. There is also the issue, although minor, of damaging a lawn, as a backhoe must be driven to the location of the excavation. Hydrovac equipment at the excavation site is minimized, because the truck can be parked a distance away. The water and vacuum lines can then be laid down to the excavation site.   

A hydrovac system is faster and more efficient

Using manual labor with shovels is simply much slower that a hydrovac system, and although using hydraulic equipment, such as a backhoe, can speed up the excavation process, there is less control over the process. The digging is less precise and will usually produce a larger hole than is desired. There is also the issue of the dirt. It must be removed, and this takes extra time, making it a less efficient method than a hydrovac system. The combination of greater speed and efficiency makes the hydrovac system more cost effective for excavation.

If you are at a point where you need to excavate your septic tank, you should take a long look at the advantages listed above. This type of excavation procedure is rapidly growing in popularity for a variety of excavation work on both residential and commercial properties.

To learn more, contact a company like Arctic Backhoe Services Ltd
