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Top 4 Signs It's Time To Have Your Septic Tank Serviced

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Many homes, especially the ones in rural areas, are not supported by city sewer systems. These homes are instead equipped with septic systems that contain and treat household water waste. Septic tanks are costly to install, but once installed, if the tank is maintained properly, the homeowner should have no problems with it.

There are some signs that a septic system isn't running at top capacity and needs to be serviced right away. Read on below for a few of those signs here:

Water is Pooling Around the Tank

One concrete sign that the septic tank is full is water pooling around the tank or on the lawn. Waste from the house should go underground, not be seen pooling around the drain field. If you see water pooling, then it's time to call in the experts to drain your tank for you.

Nitrate Concentration is High

If your well water has high nitrate levels, this could mean that your septic system needs service as soon as possible. Septic tanks that are overly full can leak bacteria and nitrates into the soil and the well water. This can make your family very sick. Testing your water for high levels on a regular basis should prevent this and let you know that your septic tank needs professional attention as well.

Drain Field Grass is Overly Healthy

When your septic system is operating properly, the grass on the drain field will be healthy, green, and look just like the rest of the grass on your lawn. If, however, the grass above the septic tank is extremely lush and greener than other areas of the yard, it's a sign that your septic tank needs to be emptied. What this means is that liquid from your system is rising to the top and while it may be good for the grass, it isn't for your family's health.

Sewage is Backing Up

If you have noticed your toilets, sinks, and tub draining slowly or sewage backing up, then you know that your septic tank needs pumping out. Sewage backing up is a telltale sign that something is wrong.

These are just a few signs that you need to call in the professionals to pump your septic tank. From sewage backing up to overly healthy grass in your drain field, if you see any of these signs, it's best to call in a professional plumber right away. To learn more, contact a company like Country Pump Out septic tanks.
