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Money-Saving Reasons To Replace Your Windows

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Windows are some of the most visible parts of your home. Updating them can be a fast, cost-effective way to give your house a facelift. Although you may want to update your old windows because you don't like the way they look, there are several money-saving reasons to have new windows installed.

Lower Utility Costs

If you install energy efficient  windows, you should save money on your monthly utility bill. This is especially true if your current windows are more than 25 years old. This is because newer windows are designed to provide better airtight insulation, which means less heat loss in the winter.  The most airtight windows are typically hinged windows, such as casement, awning or tilt windows. For additional savings, see if your utility company offers rebates for upgrading to more energy efficient windows.

Easier to Open and Close

The older your home, the more it's likely to have shifted. When buildings shift, windows become warped and misaligned, which leads to more difficulty in opening and closing them. Windows that are too hard to open tend to not be opened at all.  This can lead to more reliance on your heating unit and air conditioner. With new, better fitting windows, you can easily enjoy fresh air and better air circulation without having to fight to get your warped windows opened and closed. The more you can take advantage of fresh air, the less you'll need fans and air conditioners to circulate air.

Prevent Water Leakage

Windows that can't keep water out can cause mold to grow around the windows and within your walls. Exposure to mold may cause health problems for some members of your family.  Mold and water damage within the walls not only damage your windows, but can also damage the structure of your home. Repairing structural damage is expensive and may even require that your family relocate for the duration of the renovations.

Get Sun Protection

If you install windows that provide sun protection, you'll not only get protection for your family, you'll also get protection for your furniture. If you have brightly colored curtains or your furniture is covered with brightly colored fabrics, you've probably already noticed how quickly the colors hade because of sun damage. Bright sunlight is also damaging to lighter fabrics because it drys them out. Window film or laminated glass windows can allow you to enjoy the sun without sacrificing the health of your skin and your furniture. Sun protection also reduces glare.

To purchase new windows, contact local providers, such as J & J Aluminum & Vinyl Products.
