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3 Ways You Could Make Your Commercial Construction Site Greener

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Sustainable construction projects have become more and more common. In fact, a study found that about 73% of commercial contractors have previously retrofitted a property, plan to retrofit a property, or are in the midst of retrofitting a property. There are several reasons why a developer would choose to go the "greener" route when renovating an office building. Some benefits include construction savings, LEED points earned, and savings on utility bills. If you are not sure how to go about creating a green construction from your current layout, here are some tips to consider. 

Reuse Materials

Before beginning the construction process, it is important to do a quick walk through to see what has to go and what can be reused. You may be surprised at what all materials can be reused and redone to make the space look completely new again. Some things to consider are desks, electrical panels, light fixtures, and appliances. By reusing these items, you can help save money that would have been spent buying these things new. You don't want to just look at the interior for recycling ideas. There are plenty of materials on the exterior like concrete, steel, and brick that can be retrofitted for the building. You can even recycle your dirt. When you go to start construction, you can also reuse the excavated topsoil for your project.

Support the Local Economy

Shipping supplies from one side of the country to the other can be extremely wasteful when you have tons of building suppliers right in your backyard. Check out the local building supply shops and lumber yards to see what is available. You can save tons of money on shipping costs and you are helping give back to the local economy. 

You also want to check out salvage stores to see if you can reuse any of their materials. Many contractors will donate materials that they were not able to use. These same materials can be purchased at a discount at the same quality of buying from a bog box retailer. 

Consider the Plumbing

If your business goes through a good amount of water each day, you may want to consider an alternative solution to your plumbing expenses. You could end up saving thousands of dollars by switching to low flow plumbing fixtures. You can change out a number of fixtures including, urinals, sinks, showers, and more. You also want to think about installing a leak detection system that will help you realize quickly when you have a leak. 

If you're looking for a contractor in your area, visit City Centre Interior Contractors Ltd.
