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Key Places To Install Railings When An Elderly Loved One Comes To Stay With You

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If you prefer the idea of a loved one moving into your home instead of going to a retirement home, it's beneficial to spend some time making your home more accessible. The exact accessibility steps that you take depend on the person's mobility, but it's generally ideal to take steps to ensure that your loved one can get around your home with ease. One way that you can accomplish this goal is through the installation of railings in several key locations. A railing nearby can be the difference between your family member suffering an injury as a result of a fall and being able to confidently negotiate your home. Here are some ideal locations for railings.


The addition of railings to a home to make it more accessible should typically begin in the bathroom. Here, your loved one might have wet feet which, paired with the smooth tiled floor, could easily lead to a fall. There are several valuable locations for railings in the bathroom, including in the tub itself. Whether your family member prefers showers or baths, a railing on the tub wall with provide stability as he or she gets in and out of the tub. Another key location for a railing is adjacent to the toilet, which can be helpful if your loved one is shaky getting on and off the toilet.

Elevation Changes

While any stairways in your home will likely already be equipped with railings, it's beneficial to think about installing railings anytime there is a change in elevation in your home. This means that if there's even just a single step down into a room -- a sunken living room, for example -- it's ideal to install a short railing on the wall beside the step. Likewise, if there's a sloped area between two rooms, having a railing in this location can help your loved one pass up and down the ramp with relative ease.

Near The Bed

Getting in and out of bed can be a challenge for people who have limited mobility, so it's worthwhile to consider how you can mount a railing near the bed. If your family member can sit up in bed and swing his or her legs over the edge, but has trouble moving into the standing position, a railing located next to the bed can provide the necessary degree of support to help the person get upright.

Talk to a company like ABCO Waterproofing & Sundecks for more information.
